Tuesday, July 20, 2010

We all just want to be big Rock Stars!


"Impassible During High Water"

Available for picnics, parties, BBQ's, or drunken revelry!

The road less travelled

For those of you that are tired of hearing about my infertility struggles, please feel free to stop reading now. For the rest of you, here is what is going on.

Yesterday the NP at the doc office told me that I did not ovulate. My progesterone level was 6.6 which she said was not high enough to indicate ovulation. Today the nurse called back to say that Dr. Jewell looked at the levels and said that it does indicate ovulation (anything over 4). Talk about an emotional roller coaster.

I hate all of this and especially this little pill. The side effects really sucked! Heartburn and nausea. Headaches and mood swings. They took effect immediately. It was like (I assume) being pregnant without the joy! While I do not think that I am pregnant (getting pregnant on the first cycle would be a miracle) I am relieved that it worked as far as producing ovulation.

This has been a stressful journey for both me and my husband. He has been amazing and supportive but it is not an easy thing for either one of us to deal with. The added stress of issues within the family have been hard to deal with. Plus the mood swings made me psycho more than a few times.

Thank you to all of you that have been a shoulder to cry on and an ear to talk to! Hopefully this journey will end soon and a new adventure will start.