Thursday, November 14, 2013

6 Days!

I have 6 days to go... until my last day of work.  That is only 4 working days!  Holy crap!  These last few weeks have flown by.  I am not ready to say goodbye to some of my coworkers and clients!  I have had 9 of the children in my class for 2 years now.  Some of these families I have worked with for the last 4 or 5 years.  How do you say goodbye to that?  How do you say goodbye to the paycheck?  I am scared and excited and nervous all rolled into one big ball of emotion.  I cried when I told the kids yesterday.  I have cried at almost all of my parent conferences this week.  At the same time I am so excited to be able to spend all this extra time with Kenny!  He is going to finish out his last full week at Ms. Mary's next week.  That will give me some time to organize 5 years of classroom materials that I am bringing home with me.  After next week, Kenny will go part time, 2 days a week, to Ms. Mary.  He loves going and I can't take that away from him.  The socialization is good for him! 

6 days!  After bringing home a paycheck for the last 15 years!  This will be my first time being unemployed in 15 years.