Sunday, March 1, 2009

Learn a Little, Link a lot

I thought it would be fun to post Learn A Little, Link A Lot!What is this, you ask?This is a post to allow all of us bloggers to get to know each other a little better.
Here is what you do:
1. Post 10 things about yourself.
2. Post 5 blogs that you really enjoy to go to.
3. Post 1 thing that you received for FREE lately that you are really excited about!
4. Come back here and post on Mr. Linky so we can all learn a little bit about you.

If you don't have a blog, please post a comment here with your things.I would love to know a little more about all you wonderful people!(Please don't post things that will make you a target for spam or otherwise not nice people.)
10 things about myself:
1.) I almost always have to have the TV on. Usually I don't even watch it, I just need the background noise.
2.) I am really scared about starting this new career path as a teacher, (especially Early Childhood)! I know that I am never going to make a lot of money, but I love my kiddos!
3.) I love watching medical stories on TLC. For example, I am watching "Joined for Life; Abby and Brittany turn 16" However I start to get scared that I may have a child with one of the rare disabilities/diseases on these shows.
4.) I am very excited to start a family. If I hadn't already bought a dress and other wedding stuff, we would probably just start now!
5.) I really enjoy taking classes but hate doing the work and taking tests!!!
6.) I am so grateful that Travis and I found each other. Despite all of the initial obstacles, he understands me and is so supportive of me. I really love spending almost all of my time with him!
7.) I love to read! I will read just about anything!
8.) I really do hate drama. I wish everyone would just focus on themselves. Drama stresses me out!
9.) I like to be the peace keeper and this has bitten me in the ass. I forgive and forget to keep everyone happy. Well, I am slowly learning that it is not my job to keep the peace all of the time, and I don't have to apologize for things I really didn't do
10.) I really, really, really, want to buy a house. However, there are like 4 houses total in our price range in the area we ( and by we, I really mean Travis) want to live.

5 blogs I follow

I only follow 2 blogs
My Life - Erin
His, mine, and ours - Rachel

What I have received free lately;
The man at Subway gave me a free, fresh, warm chocolate chip cookie! Yummy

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