Monday, October 24, 2011

30 Before 30, updated!

* In August I put up this original list. Some of my goals are ongoing so I can't cross them off. I did get to cross of a major one this weekend (see number 11)!!!

A few days ago, Jamie
put up a list of things she wants to accomplish in her 30's. That got me thinking because I had made a similar list when I turned 20. Now, almost 10 years later, I don't remember a thing that I said that I wanted to do, other than start a family. That list was saved on a computer that bit the dust long ago and I don't have a clue what my 20 year old self would have said. So I decided to make a list of 30 things that I want to accomplish in the last year of my 20's. Ok so it is more like the last 9 months at this point. Don't remind me! I have a lot to accomplish
So here goes...

1.)Be content in what I have instead of always wanting more

2.) Learn to fight fair.

3.) Create and stick to a budget

4.)Pay off at least one credit card completely

5.) Work on reconnecting with the people in my life

6.) Stick to couponing and meal planning *(this one is still a work in progress but I am getting better!)

7.) Eat healthier

8.) Try at least 1 brand new food a month *(So far I have tried Edamame, Yellow Tomatoes, and GU Chomps. (Ok so the last one is a stretch, but it was still new and they are really gross)

9.) Live life to the fullest

10.) Remember that I am not old and stop spending my weekends vegged out in front
of the TV! *(My weekends have been SO Crazy! I have not had one free weekend since I made the list!

11.) Run a half marathon

12.) Join a book club

13.)Get a tattoo

14.) Learn to fish

15.) Stop sweating the small stuff

16.)Take the train to Hermann *(this one has been changed, only because our Oktoberfest plans were cancelled, not by us!)

17.)Go to a spa for the first time

18.)Use only reusable bags at the store (or at least recycle to plastic ones if
I forget)

19.) Read at least 30 new books with 10 of them being off my list of books to read
before I die

20.)Spend the night in a haunted house or go on a ghost tour

21.) Buy a bike and actually use it

22.) Mail out Christmas cards

23.) plan a trip to somewhere that will require a passport (the trip doesn't have
to been taken before my bday but at least planned)

24.)Exercise 6 days a week

25.)Show Travis a Michigan winter

26.)Learn to crochet

27.) Get caught up on my scrapbooks

28.)Learn to sew for real

29.) Have money in a savings account *(started an online account where $ is deposited every week!)

30.) Have dinner with friends at least once a month!

Like I said, I don't know what my list 10 years ago said, but I am pretty sure that paying of debt and coupons weren't mentioned!

If anyone sees anything on this list that you would like to help me with, feel free to jump on the 30 before Kathy is 30 bandwagon!

photo courtesy of google images

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