Thursday, August 16, 2012

2 months

Kenny is 2 months old!  

Where has the time gone?  These last 2 months have flown by.  He is growing and changing so much every day.  Kenny has been holding his head up since he was born, but now he hold is up and looks around.  He is obsessed with ceiling fans.  He will lay there and watch them for hours, smiling and kicking. 

Found the ceiling fan!
He is a generally happy baby and usually only cries when he is hungry or has a really dirty diaper.  He smiles all the time.  His biggest smiles are when Daddy comes home from work and Kenny hears his voice.  He loves to look in mirrors and will mimic what he sees.  He makes the funniest faces sometimes! 

Developmentally he is doing fantastic.  We are still dealing with some reflux and gas issues but they are getting better.  At his 2 month visit, Kenny weighes 12 lbs 12 oz and is in the 76th percentile.  He is 22 inches long which puts him in the 17th percentile.  He is in the 27th percentile in head circumference.    He has developed some eczema on his cheeks and chest but it already appears to be clearing up with the hydrocortisone cream. 

I went back to work this week and it is one of the hardest things I have done!  I just want to stay home with my baby!!!!  I miss him so much and can't wait to see him every evening!  I just can't wait to see how much he changes and grows in the next 2 months!

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