Friday, September 28, 2012

A working mom's rant

I haven't used my blog to rant very often but today I am just upset.   Returning to work has been harder than I ever anticipated.   It is more than just missing my son (which I do!  All the time!)  My schedule isn't what was promised to me before my maternity leave. That is more of an inconvenience though.  The biggie is, some of the women I work with are giving me a hard time about pumping at work.  Of course, they do it behind my back but the hostility is there.  I would have never imagined this, not from this group of people.  It isn't all of them.  Some of my coworkers are super supportive.  It is the ones that are complaining to my boss that I get to take a break and just read a book.  (For the record, i pump 3 times a day for 30 minutes each time.  One of those times is my lunch break).  In my opinion, this is no different than smoke breaks!  Most smokers take a lot more than 3 a day and they don't stand there and continue working while they smoke!  I would love it if all I had to do is sit here and read.  Pumping is not fun, people.  Especially when all you have is a curtain and people just stand there and hold conversations with you.  I understand now why so many moms quit breastfeeding when they return to work.  I just wish people would remember that this is how I feed my child! 

Ok!  Rant over!

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