Friday, March 22, 2013

Budget cuts

I know that many of you have been recieving emails from me encouraging you to sign petitions to stop the sequester and end the budget cuts in education.  Here are some facts that you may not know:

The state of Missouri is set to lose over $7 million in Head Start funding.  That is services for over 1200 children.  1200 at risk children are going to lose the support and educational services.  These services include not only education but: developmental screenings, mental health screenings, OT, Speech and Language therapy, dental exams and physicals.  We also provide food for children who may not be getting enough to eat.  Head Start helps not just the child in the program, but the whole family as well.

My employer is the largest Head Start Provider in the state.  We stand to lose $500,000-$1 MILLION in funding.  We are not sure of the impact on services to the children yet.  We have no control over were these cuts are made.  The Office of Head Start will be making these determinations.  WE HAVE JUST FOUND OUT THAT ONE ENTIRE CENTER IN ST. CHARLES IS CLOSING!  There are still more cuts to be made!

The fact is, cuts are going to be made and children are going to be affected.  Right now there is not much we can so, except make our voices heard. 

Write letters to the editors of the papers, make your congress men and women aware that we will not stand for our children being the ones hurt by these budget cuts.

Visit the National Head Start website and sign the petition

Thank you

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