Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Never forget


A date that will live in infamy.

Every year I think it will get easier to see the images of the attacks.  It doesn't.

This is year I am trying to focus on the good of that day.

Fred Rogers said the following quote in his book, " The Mister Rogers Parenting Book"

“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, 'Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."

I have remembered that quote quite often in the last year or so.  I thought about it after the Colorado Movie theatre shooting, after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, The Boston Marathon bombings.    If you watch the news reports or see the articles, you will always find people helping. 

I am remembering the helpers.  The majority of these rescue workers had already lost coworkers, family members, friends.  Yet they still worked tirelessly to save as many people as they could.  That is what I am choosing to look for. 

Never forget those people who had their lives cut tragically short in a senseless act of terrorism.  Their memory and bravery lives on in every heart in our nation!

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