Thursday, October 17, 2013

25 days

I have a countdown going that doesn't have to do with a due date.  I have 25 working days left.  34 days total.  This scares me to death.  For the first time since I was 16 I will not be earning a paycheck.  I have been earning money in some way since I was 11 years old.  I babysat, dog sat, opened the church, worked at Denny's, worked at the daycare, worked in the cafeteria of my college, worked for the government, worked at Edgewood, and now I work at Youth in Need.  But all of that comes to an end on November 20th, at least for a few years.  Financially, this is the best choice for us.  The cost of gas driving from West Alton to South City 5 days a week is killing us.  Having 2 kids at Ms. Mary's full time is going to be one of my whole paychecks.  So I am going to stay at home with my babies for a little while.  Travis thinks I will make it less than a year before I start going stir crazy.  I need to figure out what path my career is going to take.  I have been teaching in some capacity for 14 years.  These last few years have been really hard on me, with budget cuts and government shutdowns.  I don't know if I want to return to the classroom.  I may think about something that will give me a little more one on one time with the kiddos (speech, OT, PT).  But for now, I am going to focus on that amazing little boy that calls me mama and wait for his baby sister to arrive!  Oh yeah, that countdown is 62 days

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