Monday, June 9, 2014

Mommyhood =/= sisterhood

It always amazes me how judgmental other moms are.  I am not talking about making suggestions on products or sharing the latest studies.  I am talking about judging, as in " you didn't start solids until 6 months!" or "Why didn't you cloth diaper" to " I can't believe you are breastfeeding in public!"  "You breastfed for how long?!?"  I always thought strangers would be the ones to make those comments, but that isn't always the case.  Here is a news flash....

Mom's know their kids best!  Mom's also know their own abilities best. 

Cloth diapering was something I looked in to. Then I remembered my horrible gag reflex.  Not going to work in this house. 

I exclusively breastfeed until 6 months.  I have done my research and it is what I felt was best for my babies!  You say you started at 4 months, or 3 months, or 8 months?  Then that must have been what was best for your baby.

I breastfed Kenny until he was almost 18 months old.  I breastfed through my entire pregnancy!  I would be tandem breastfeeding right now but Kenny self weaned about 3 weeks before Loralei was born.  My goal was 2 years or until he self weaned.  We met that goal.  Again, it is what I thought was best for my child.  You breastfed for a week, month, 6 months, year?  Great!  You formula fed?  Great.  It must have been what worked best for your family.  This was probably the thing I received the most criticism from.  Family, friends, coworkers, strangers, you name it!  The US is one of a few countries that doesn't extend breastfeed.  Just a little info.

I made my own baby food.  It was usually cheaper.  But if there was an awesome sale on the jar stuff, I bought it!   Again, it is what worked best!

Now, that is not to say that advice isn't appreciated it.  I know that I am guilty of advice, even unsolicited advice.  Sometimes it is because I am really excited about a product or discovery I made.  Sometimes it just comes out.  I also think that advice and suggestions done out of love and respect for the other mom are completely different than judging that mom. I also know that we are all guilt of judgment of others.  I know I judge when I see inappropriate parenting.  Letting your kid curse and use racial slurs ?  Yeah, I judge that.  If your kid is a bully and you aren't doing anything about it?  I will judge that as well.  Letting your kid eat a piece of cake for breakfast?  That doesn't deserve my judgement, mainly because I have done it as well.  Jar food over home made? Both are nutritious! 

Let's all try to support other moms (and dads!) instead of judging them!  We are all just trying to do the best we can! 

Now on to some cute pictures of Loralei's first food  (Gasp!  She is already 6 months old!)

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