Saturday, December 20, 2008

I hate WINTER!

This is why I hate WINTER!!!!

I have been sick since Thanksgiving. I had the flu for five days complete with 103 fever and all the rest of the fun flu symptoms. Ever since, I have had a stupid cold or something. Stuffy nose, sore throat, blah blah blah. I will feel fine for a few days and then it all comes back. Just in time for the weekend and ruin any desire I have of going out and actually seeing my friends. I have no kids and no longer work on the weekends and have gone out less than when I did work at lovely ECC. Now, I would love to go to the dr. and find out what is wrong with me, but seeing as I just got my insurance on Dec. 1st, all of the GPs I have called have said that they are not accepting new patients until after the new year. So I am relying heavily on over the counter stuff, the drug samples that Trav's mom brings me and vitamins. I'm sure that working with the snotty nosed kiddos (because they are all sick as well) isn't helping. However, I thought my immune system was pretty high considering the fact that I have been working with snotty nosed kiddos for 10 years now. What is wrong with me!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!!

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