Wednesday, April 28, 2010

running through my mind; also known as venting

This is not the type of post I usually do but I have a lot running through my mind right now! First of all, I need to ask: When did it become ok for adults to use FB as a place to publically fight with your own family members? When did it become ok to actually put other people down on FB? For once a fight with in my family does not involve me directly but I am involved none the less. I used to get sucked in to the drama but then I realized that I am an adult. I am not saying that I have never vented on FB, most people do, but usually it is a generic "this sucks or I am so pissed" If I have ever directly posted something in the last year about someone then I apologize because it is so immature. It really makes me want to leave FB!

Do you all know how heartbreaking it is to watch a pregnant woman smoke! I used to smoke and would do the typical, "it's my body! I am going to die someday anyway" comments. Other adults smoking do not usually bother me but seeing a pregnant woman smoke just tears me up! It's no longer just her body she is hurting! Ugh! Argh! Very frustrating!

These are my two big vents, so thanks for listening! Sometimes it's nice to get it all out without going into names and details!

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