Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My summer reading list

You may remember that I posted a list of books that I want to read this summer here. ( I am feeling a little lazy because, so far,I have only read 1 book off of the list. I read "The Road" by Cormac McCarthy. It was one of the weirdest books I think I have read. Very depressing and it really freaked me out. However, I am glad that I read it. I also read the book, "The Killer Angels" by Michael Shaara. The movie "Gettysburg" is based off of the book. If you like history, it is amazing! It, however, is not on the list of books I made for myself. I received "The Shining" as a birthday present and started it last night. My goal is at least 1 book a week but trying for 2 a week.

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