Wednesday, May 5, 2010


This morning was the HSG and I am very grateful that it is over. It was an uncomfortable kind of pain. Not unbearable, but not pleasant. When the balloon was inflated, it downright hurt! I am still having some cramps and twinges, much like a period cramp but more isolated in one spot. Nothing I can't handle! While I couldn't tell a thing on the radiology screen, Dr. Jewell has assured me that everything was normal! Instant weight was lifted! This month we will just watch this cycle (maybe I will fall into the % that gets pregnant!) If I still don't follow a normal 28 day cycle, then I will have another appointment with him. Because my cycles have been longer than 32 days the concern is that I may not be ovulating. This could be because of stress and not necessarily a medical problem. If I am not ovulating then Clomid may be able to help. while there are still a lot of questions in my mind, I am relieved to hear that there are no cysts, polyps, or blockages! Now I can focus on enjoying my birthday weekend!!!!

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