Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My baby story

1 month ago, I gave birth to a beautiful, perfect baby boy. I don't want to ever forget a second of that experience. Here is the story of how he got here... I was 37 weeks pregnant. Close enough that I was starting to get nervous but still thought I had time to get "things" done. On Friday June 8th, I went to Fast Eddie's with Jayme, Kori, and Steph for a last "girls night" before the baby came. We ended the night at Fritz's, where I joked that all the chocolate would send me into labor.
On Saturday, the 9th, I started a major cleaning of the house. I guess this was nesting. I made lists and everything
I felt great all day, and had no contractions. At 7:00 I sat down to take a break before cleaning out my car. I thought I needed to use the bathroom and when I stood up, a gush of water flowed down my legs. I thought I had peed myself. I ran to the bathroom and realized my water had broken. I called Travis and calmly told him to come home. He said he was on his way and then I told him my water had broken. I could hear the engine rev as he stomped on the gas! I then called Bridget to see if I should call the Dr first or just go to the hospital. After calling the Doc, I called Bridget back just to talk. I was surprisingly calm. When Travis got home, he burst through the door and started grabbing things, like the stroller and yelling that we had to go! I told him to take a shower because he was FILTHY from work. We checked into the hospital about 8:00. When the triage nurse came to get me from the reception area, she took one look at me and the fact that I looked like I had peed myself, and took me straight to a labor and delivery room. When she checked me, I was a 1 cm dilated. I had been at 1 for over a week. I figured we were in for a long night!
Travis' parents arrived at the hospital about 10 minutes after us. They stayed and chatted until about 11. They decided to go home then because when they checked me at 11, I was at 1 1/2cm. Not exactly moving along here. I wasn't really having painful contractions at this point. The nurse suggested I walk the halls and maybe that would get things moving. We walked for about an hour and then the contractions started to hurt. About 1:30 I gave in and asked for the epidural. (The epidural was seriously the worst part of the whole delivery!!!) After getting the drugs, I was checked again and was at a 2 -2 1/2! Everyone told me to get some sleep. However, about an hour after I fell asleep on my left side, I must have tried to roll over. Problem was, my right leg was completely dead. Couldn't feel it, couldn't move it. Well, it fell off the bed and I couldn't get it back up. So, my dead leg is dragging me off the hospital bed and my exhausted husband was sawing logs next to me!!! Finally he woke up and helped me back up. The nurses though that it was pretty funny! When they checked me again at 5 am on Sunday June 10th, I was at a 10!!! I had gone from a 2 to a 10 in 3 hours and had slept the whole time! I love the drugs! At about 6am the nurses had me start to push. Dr Jewell was out of town but Dr. LeMoine was almost there. The funny thing about pushing when you can't feel anything below your belly button. You can't tell if you are pushing. Apparently I thought I was pushing with all my might when I was really just laying there! After every push, I would check to see if Travis was ok. I was so afraid of him passing out! Finally, at 7:31a my beautiful baby boy was here! However, when they laid him on my chest he was pretty gooey. In fact he was pretty gross and apparently I said so, out loud!
He had his bath and we could count fingers and toes! My husband was a Daddy!!!
We were a family!!
Donnie and Sharon came in to meet their new grandson. This was the first time Donnie had been home for the birth of one of his grandchildren. It was fitting that it was Travis' child, considering Donnie had missed Trav's own birth!
It took me a little while to realize that I was a momma now! I had given birth! I had given birth without screaming, or cursing my husband out! I was now responsible for this tiny perfect child! It was an amazing experience!!!

1 comment:

kori said...

Amazing! I LOVE the last picture of you 3!! Congratulations again on your little one!