Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Pounds.  Ugh.  Saying it out loud hurts!

So, I am really lacking in the motivation department when it comes to working out. I have a million different excuses but it really boils down to the fact that I would rather get those extra precious minutes of sleep than work out. I was lucky and lost all my baby weight quickly. By time Kenny was a week old, I was in pre-pregnancy jeans. By time he was about 3 weeks old, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight. At my 6 weeks check up I was under my pre-pregnancy weight!  I have since gained back 7-8 pounds!   The problem is, I was in the process of losing weight when I got pregnant. I have a good 25 pounds to lose before I am really happy.

I thought I was looking pretty good, until I took this picture of my new outfit to show a friend. Uh Uh! I need to drop some lbs pretty quick.

I have started the C25K program and am planning on running the St. Pat's run in March and at minimum the Go 5K, possibly the half in April.

If you see me slacking, give me a much needed kick in the ass! Please! I DO NOT want to be overweight with a kid in middle school and still blaming it on the baby weight!

So I figure if I say it out loud and let everyone know, then it will motivate me even more. This way I can let everyone know how much I am losing!

As of 1/21/13 I weigh 165.5

Here is my before shot!