Monday, June 28, 2010

Just to let you know...

Per a request by Rachel, I am letting everyone know that I started Clomid today. You know, in case it makes me all crazy and stuff! So far, this stuff sucks. I am so nauseous and have horrible heartburn. Kind of like pregnancy without the joy of it! Thank you all for understanding!

FYI now I am just really tired. Like whole bottle of nyquil tired.

1 comment:

Lady Fromage said...

I'm Mrs. Wunderlich, too!

Just yesterday I was entering employee data for my company, taking note of how many women shared thir last names, I wondered when I would come across another Mrs. Wunderlich (besides my MIL!)... And here you are! :-) What an awesome last name we have!

-- Lady Fromage (Mrs. Wunderlich)