Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thank you

For those of you that read that lovely facebook fight yesterday, I wanted to apologize. I lowered myself to immature level of two people who expect the world to revolve around them. For those of you that left such supportive comments I wanted to say Thank you! This was just a small glimpse of the kind of people that they are. This whole fight was over the fact that Travis's mom did not cancel concert plans with us to go to the rescheduled birthday party for their daughter. I apparently have the power to schedule concerts in Saint Louis at a time that will most inconvenience people, so let me know what bands you would like to see. Since I have all of this power I will also be changing the name of the venue back to Riverport to avoid all confusion! I will continue to be this selfish so remember that if you schedule a party for your child after I have already made plans, chances are I will not cancel them. Of course I will expect all of you to cancel all plans to revolve around me and any future children I may have!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gotta love family...