Sunday, October 10, 2010

10 years ago

I had just graduated high school! I was just starting college! I was 18!

A few weeks ago I had my 10 year high school reunion. I can't believe that it has been 10 years since I graduated. For a long time I thought that High school held my best years. I had so much fun! I had a fantastic group of friends and we had a lot of fun. Realizing that it has been 10 years since that amazing time made me reflect a little on what has happened since high school. I went to 3 different colleges. I graduated with my B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Criminology and Criminal Justice from UMSl. I got married and then divorced a year later. I met an amazing man (even though it took me a few years to see it) and got married again. I have had struggles and some of the most amazing times. Some of us have had kiddos, and some of us are stuggling with that. One of us has lives in the city and one of us has a motorcycle. We have our own lives that are somehow entertwined with each others. I know that I can not talk to any of these people for weeks and then send out one text and get what ever response I need. I have travelled and vegged out. I have danced and laughed and cried and screamed. Through out it all, I still have that amazing group of friends that I did in High School. We have grown and changed together. Here is to another 10 years of great memories!


Anonymous said...

Gave me goosey bumps!

Kathy Wunderlich said...

Is that good or bad???