Saturday, December 11, 2010

a needle, vials and vials of blood, and maybe a few answers

After 2 miscarriages, my ob/gyn wanted to do a follow up/consult to try and figure out what was going on and what the next steps were. We went in and talked about everything that had happened and decided that there was no reason to not start trying again. He did, however, wanted to do some bloodwork and run some tests based on my mom's history (she died post op from a blood clot). When we got the results back we found out that I tested positive for a few things.
First, I tested positive for a SS-A antibody for Sjogren's syndrome. Sjogren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by dryness of the mouth and eyes. I saw a rheumotologist last week. I am not showing any symptoms but she did say that there was a small chance that it would become a problem during pregnancy. If the antibody were to cross the placenta, it could cause fetal heart problems. More on that later...
I also tested positive for MTHFR. This is a blood based disease that can cause some pregnancy complications such as blood clots and lack of absorbtion of folic acid. I have an appointment with Maternal Fetal Medicine on Tuesday. They will hopefully be able to give me some answers.
I still don't really understand any of this, except that I will most likely be considered high risk once I do get pregnant. I am not being told that it is too risky.
Travis and I have a long road ahead of us, but are determined to have a new outlook about it all. We are staying positive with whatever is thrown our way.
Thank you to my amazing friends who have kept me positive throughout this whole ordeal. Love you all

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