Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Magical Honeymoon at the Happiest Place on Earth~~~Day 1

Travis and I decided to go to Walt Disney World for out honeymoon. It was sentimental to me because that is where my parents went on their honeymoon in 1979. 30 years later we celebrated there as well. It took some smooth talking to convince Trav that you don't have to be a kid to love Disney. The trip was also planned around his Christmas present, 3rd row tickets to the Tampa Bay Bucs game.

Our first full day of the trip was also the busiest! It was NYE and we were spending it at the Magic Kingdom! Seeing Travis' face as he got his first glimpses of the Castle were priceless. We arrived before the park opened and took the ferry across to the entrance. I had never been on the ferry (always taking the monorail) and it was fun! The park was still decorated for Christmas and the decorations were amazing!!!

The Castle has always been my favorite part of the park!

We managed to do almost all of the rides or shows. Out of about 40 things to do, we only missed 14! We had a plan and we stuck to it!!

Space Mountian is a favorite but the teacups definetly are not! I almost threw up!

We celebrated our honeymoon in style!

The evening ended with the most amazing fireworks that I have ever seen. The castle made a perfect backdrop and because it was New Year's Eve they had fireworks shooting off all around the park! 2010 started off truly magical!

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