Saturday, January 23, 2010

The things you do for your husband!

So day 4 of our magical honeymoon was spent at a football stadium. That's right people! What is worst is they are a rival of my favorite football team. Ever heard of the battle of the bays? That is where my team (GreenBAY) is pitted against his team (Tampa BAY). Being the amazing wife that I am, I got my new husband 3rd row, 30 yard line, behind the Bucs bench tickets to the game against the Falcons. Then to make him happy, I put on a Bucs sweatshirt and a hat. Then I cheered for them. Then I saw their inside linebacker. Barret Ruud is now the reasom I am a Tampa Bay fan! Yummy! What is better is that my hubby doesn't mind because now I root for his team. BTW, it was the 2nd coldest Bucs game in Tampa history! Yippee!

Travis seeing the few of the field from our seats!

Barret Ruud!

Ronde Barber

Here come the Bucs!

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